Influence of Personalized Marketing on Zhejiang Consumer Satisfaction for Environmental Protection Enterprises under AI Technology


  • Yang Cao North Bangkok University


Personalized Marketing, Environmental Protection Enterprises, AI Technology


Collecting and analyzing data is an invaluable tool for businesses in the environmental industry to develop effective marketing strategies. Through data collection, businesses can gain critical insights into the behavior and preferences of eco-conscious consumers. This includes metrics such as purchase history, website activity, social media interactions, and other relevant data. This information allows businesses to create highly personalized marketing campaigns catering to eco-conscious consumers' unique needs and interests. Businesses can better serve customers and build long-lasting relationships by leveraging personalized marketing strategies for eco-friendly products and services. Therefore, it is recommended that businesses in the environmental industry use data to create targeted marketing campaigns that resonate with their eco-conscious customers. The number of respondents for this study was 395. The results of this study show that Zhejiang consumer satisfaction with AI personalized marketing in environmental protection purchases would be impacted by their consumer experience, consumer engagement, and personalized advantage.


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How to Cite

Cao, Y. (2024). Influence of Personalized Marketing on Zhejiang Consumer Satisfaction for Environmental Protection Enterprises under AI Technology. EBISTEK : Ekonomika, Bisnis Dan Teknologi, 7(1), 1-10. Retrieved from