Impact of Interactive Marketing on Jiangsu Consumers’ Impulse Buying Intention in Coffee Product Live Broadcasts


  • Huimin Zhang North Bangkok University


Interactive Marketing, Impulse Buying Intention, Coffee Product Live Broadcasts


Early online shopping research pointed out: "Interactivity with consumers can have a positive effect on consumers' impulse purchasing intentions through certain internal perceptions." This article aims to study the impact of interactive marketing on consumers' impulse buying intentions in live broadcasts of coffee products. The reason for the topic is that with the development of digital technology, live broadcasts have become an important form of self-media, and live shopping It has also gradually become an emerging consumption method. However, although interactivity is an essential feature of live broadcast marketing and is more profound and broader than interactivity on traditional online shopping websites, the dimensional division in live broadcast marketing and the impact mechanism of various interactive factors on impulse purchase intention is still unclear. Therefore, this article uses empirical research methods to explore the impact of interactive marketing on consumers' impulse buying intentions in live broadcast rooms regarding coffee consumption. The number of respondents for this study was 385. This study's results show consumers’ impulse buying intention on coffee products through live broadcasts of interactive marketing.


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How to Cite

Zhang, H. (2024). Impact of Interactive Marketing on Jiangsu Consumers’ Impulse Buying Intention in Coffee Product Live Broadcasts. EBISTEK : Ekonomika, Bisnis Dan Teknologi, 7(1), 21-31. Retrieved from