Factors that Influence Customer Satisfaction in Online Food Ordering through Delivery Apps in Ningxia


  • Wensheng Yang North Bangkok University


Customer Satisfaction, Online Food Ordering, Delivery Apps


This study aims to determine the factors that affect customer satisfaction in online food delivery services. The popularity of online food delivery has significantly increased this year, with more orders and deliveries being made through digital platforms. The success of these services relies on various factors, such as the product's quality, the application's safety, the guarantee of timely delivery, and the offers provided to customers to enhance their satisfaction. The research indicates that the quality of the delivery app service directly influences the overall quality of the delivery service platform, which has a bearing on customer satisfaction. Considering these critical factors, this study provides a comprehensive model for service in the e-commerce domain. The number of respondents for this study was 393. The results of this study show that consumer satisfaction with delivery apps for online food ordering would be impacted by their perceived ease of use, information quality, and service reliability.


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How to Cite

Yang, W. (2024). Factors that Influence Customer Satisfaction in Online Food Ordering through Delivery Apps in Ningxia. EBISTEK : Ekonomika, Bisnis Dan Teknologi, 7(1), 67-77. Retrieved from https://unaki.ac.id/ejournal/index.php/ebistek/article/view/617