Hubungan Antara Edukasi Perpajakan Dan Kesadaran Pajak Generasi Z Pada Grab Di Semarang


  • Harries Arizonia Ismail
  • Suhaji
  • Yohana Tri Widayati


This research aims to analyze the relationship between tax education and tax awareness in generation Z who work as Grab driver partners in Semarang. Tax education is considered an important factor in increasing tax understanding and compliance in the digital economy era. Generation Z, as a productive age group that is familiar with technology, has a significant role in supporting state tax revenues, especially in the informal and application-based sectors.   This research uses a quantitative approach with survey methods. Data was collected through a questionnaire distributed to 100 Grab driver partners aged 18-26 years in Semarang. Data analysis was carried out using simple correlation and linear regression tests to see the effect of tax education on tax awareness.   The research results show that there is a positive and significant relationship between tax education and generation Z tax awareness among Grab partners in Semarang. Good tax education, both through government programs and initiatives from companies such as Grab, contributes to increasing generation Z's understanding and willingness to fulfill tax obligations.   This research recommends improving tax education programs that are more integrated and relevant for generation Z, especially through digital platforms. In this way, it is hoped that it can increase the level of tax compliance among digital economy players.


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How to Cite

Ismail, H. A., Suhaji, & Widayati, Y. T. (2025). Hubungan Antara Edukasi Perpajakan Dan Kesadaran Pajak Generasi Z Pada Grab Di Semarang. EBISTEK : Ekonomika, Bisnis Dan Teknologi, 7(2). Retrieved from