Data Mining, C4.5, Naïve Bayes, RapidMinerAbstract
The increasing number of residents requires the government to reducethe population explosion, one of which is the Family Planning(KB) program.In family planning programs, mistakes often occur in choosingcontraceptives. Contraceptive device are tools to prevent pregnancy, lack ofknowledge about contraceptives causes acceptors to use contraceptives thatare not in accordance with their body conditions or even do not usecontraception. With the comparison of the C4.5 and Naïve Bayes algorithms,it is hoped that it will make it easier for acceptors to choose contraceptives.The purpose of the comparison of classification algorithms C4.5 and NaïveBayes is to help acceptors choose contraceptives using family planningacceptor data at the BPKB Office, Kedungreja District, Cilacap and theaccuracy and kappa obtained from the classification results seen from thewife’s age, wife’s work status, types of family planning service, participationin family planning and health facilities. This research uses data miningclassification method C4.5 algorithm and Naïve Bayes then a comparison ofthe two methods is carried out. The processing of these two method in theaccuracy of the C4.5 algorithm of 86.06% and kappa 0.638, while theaccuracy of Naïve Bayes was 92.46% and kappa 0.880. So the Naïve Bayesalgorithm is a better method in classifying family planning acceptor data atthe BPKB Office, Kedungreja Cilacap District in 2021 compared to the C4.5algorithm method.References
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