
  • Harto Listijo
  • Mohamad Fajarianditya Nugroho
  • Ana Wahyuni


umkm,sistem monitoring,dashbaord,produksi


Khaya Indah Busana is an MSME (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) company engaged in convection (apparel), many buyers order with large parties, so the order recipient comes to the production department to provide proof of the order. In the process of making proof of order, it is necessary to review the process of making clothes which will find out the results of production, if the production is in accordance with the order it will be immediately sent to the customer. This requires the existence of a system that is able to present information for the receiving part of the order and the production department and the owner. so the author raised the title Monitoring System for the Making of Clothing Convection at Khaya Indah Clothing Web-Based which aims to deal with this problem and can be a tool to facilitate the running of business at Khaya Indah Busana. This research uses data collection methods at Khaya Indah Busana and field interviews. The theory used is the Unified Modeling Language (UML) to design the manufacture of software using PHP, MySQL, XAMPP and Sublime Text. The existing input after the process produces a dashboard for monitoring the convection manufacturing process. The resulting report for the leadership to know the results of production and ordering .


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