Analisis Pembuatan Virus Multiaction Dan Antivirus Menggunakan Metode CRC64


  • dimas Nugrah W U


Computer users today are still familiar with the problems caused by computer  viruses.  This  problem  arises  because the  emergence  of  new variants are always adapted to the existing antivirus applications. In addition the system security holes that can be utilized by the virus are always found in the virus makers. Based  on  these  problems,  the writer  built  a  viral  application  showing the evidence that the existence of security holes in computer operating systems can be utilized by the virus. The writer also built an antivirus application that can handle viruses which are able to either adapt or close the gap that can not be solved by other antivirus applications, where the gap can still be utilized by the virus in a computer attack victim. The virus which is built using waterfall process model is a viral application that has several capabilities including the ability to hide, to multiply, to find, to check the target of attacks, and to manipulate the system. The application is called the virus ISO that is built using language programming Delphi 7, and antivirus applications are built using the CRC64 method as a way for naming a file and also for the introduction of a file identified as potential viruses. Antivirus application is called AISO that is built using language programming Visual Basic 6. Virus applications are built to find out the gap potentially used by the viruses that can damage the security of computer systems, whereas  the  antivirus application is built to cover the gap of the computer system as well as the gaps that have not been addressed by other anti-virus, so the virus can not enter and damage the computer system.  Key words: Virus, Antivirus,  ISO, AISO, file, waterfall, CRC64





