Retorika Dalam Iklan Di Media Cetak Indonesia


  • indriani triandjojo


Language is a tool that humans need to interact and communicate in order to play their role as a part of the community. In the ads language is also used as a means of communication. Language used in the ads is not only a communication tool but also as a means of message exchange. The message conveyed in the text will interact with its readers so that meaning be produced. In a consumerist society the advertisers will maximize all their creativity to make the advertising as a communication tool to attract and captivate consumers. Language used in the advertisement to be seen as a communication tool which has persuasive function. Language used in ads should be considered as a means of communication which have persuasive function. It is needed to convince or persuade readers to trust and later they want to buy it. Language in advertising is unhampered to evolve as a rhetorical language that is persuasive language. Rhetoric is the way we use language as an art in written or spoken language.  Key words : language, means of communication, advertisement, rhetoric, persuasive





