The Worst Human Soul Sickness (Denial) As Described In A Story By Esther Claes “THE STAR”


  • muhammad arief budiman


Sickness is not only physic but also soul. The study that concerns on soul is psychology. In psychology, the practitioners try to find how to cure a sick soul. In medical world, psychology is used to analyze the soul of real people. Psychology is not only used in medical world. Psychology is also used in literature world. In literature, psychology is used to analyze manmade character.  By using psychology we can understand the characters in fiction world. By understanding the characters in fiction, we can comprehend the society which surrounds the fiction concerned. This is because fiction is reflection of the society.  In this paper the writer uses psychoanalysis to analyze the main character in the story. Psychoanalysis is part of psychology which is created by Freud. By using psychoanalysis we can understand the personality structure, ego defense mechanism, and the dynamic of the soul of the main character. By using psychoanalysis, the writer finds that the main character suffers denial of what happen in the real world. By denying the reality, the main character wants to live comfortably in the fiction world which she creates in her mind. By applying this ego defense mechanism, the main character tries to cope the shattered world.  Key words : psychoanalysis, fiction, main character





