Web-Based, Futsal, MySqL, Prototype, Information SystemAbstract
Golden Indoor Soccer is a futsal field rental place which is currently still done manually,namely the customer comes to the field and rents it to the admin. In addition, the scheduling is stillrecorded in the book. With this need, a web-based futsal field rental application was created. Theexistence of this system is expected to make it easier for tenants to see schedules and easy admins inmanaging field data.Making this futsal field rental system uses a design that is applied in a web environment,which is PHP-based and uses a MySql database. In this research, the design of the system that will bemade is the Futsal Field Rental Information System using the prototype method and the tool formodeling using UML (Unifed Modeling Language).The results of this study are that it can help and make it easier for admins to process fielddata, rental prices, and print rental reports and tenants can check empty field schedules and candirectly make field bookings, confirm payments via the web so that the futsal field rental process ismore effective. and efficient.References
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