Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Untuk Pemberian Bantuan Usaha Mikro Dengan Metode Simple Additive Weighting


  • diana laily fithri
  • noor latifah


The supporting system of financial assistance decision of Micro Enterprise at XXX has been implemented in order to make an application to facilitate decision-making at the Rural Bank. This decision supporting system uses SAW (Simple Additive weighting) and is designed using UML model. It provides additional application of financial types, processing criteria, subcriteria weighting, recording data of financial assistance applicants with the calculation and the rank of micro enterprise beneficiaries. This study uses SAW method for determining the eligible financial assistance recipient candidates of micro enterprise from Rural Bank by considering the criteria that have been determined by the Bank. The criteria as the base for making decision by the Bank in determining the financial assistance recipients use the 7C method involving Character, Capacity, Capital, Collateral, Condition, Cashflow, and Culture Key words : SPK, SAW, UML, micro, credit, Character, Capasity, Capital, Collateral, Condition, Cashflow, Culture





