Keamanan Pertukaran Kunci Kriptografi dengan Algoritma Hybrid : Diffie-Hellman dan RSA


  • ana wahyuni


On the cryptographic, the safety of key exchange is needed, because the code  message can only be analyzed with the appropriate key deals with this message. A secret message may be delivered either by symmetric cryptographic algorithm of coded key or by  key exchange algorithm. One of the standard key exchange algorithm  is Deffie Hellman key exchange algorithm. The safety strength of this algorithm can be improved by combining / hybridizing asymmetric key algorithm, that is RSA. Cryptanalyst difficulty in disclosing these algorithms is not only on the RSA key generation but also on the calculation of discrete logarithms in RSA and Deffie-Hellman. The result of this hybrid algorithm is the key strength and the confidentiality that can be used in symmetric cryptographic algorithms. Key words : cryptographic, key exchange, RSA algorithm, Deffie-Hellman algorithm, hybrid algorithm: RSA and Deffie-Hellman.





