Teknologi Wibree Sebagai Pengganti Bluetooth


  • yohana tri widayati


Like Bluetooth, Wibree is also working on a frequency of 2.4 GHz. This technology is able to bridging the digital devices wirelessly within a radius of zero to ten meters. Wibree offers data rates reaching 1Mbps. Wibree technology has many applications in everyday life, so it facilitates the work of human. Among those application are the Wibree applications in sports (to speed up the pulse rate), in health (to facilitate data communication between doctor and patient), in entertainment (can be used as a sophisticated and fast toy controller / remote control), and in the office (to ease the performance and presentation of course data communications). Based on those facts, it is necessary to apply the Wibree devices that can give benefits to  the people  in this global era.  Key words: Bluetooth, Wibree, Wibree device applications





