Budaya Organisasi Unjuk Rasa di Perusahaan Kota Semarang


  • hermawan triono


Labor demonstrations have occurred at various companies, and at various places throughout the Republic of Indonesia. The news of which can be read in the printed media, as well as can be seen and heard via electronic media such as television and radio. Cases of labor demonstrations at companies are closely related to the organizational culture which views people as a resource and company asset in achieving goals and obtaining benefits for the welfare of both the owner and all the workers. It is hopefully give an impact vastly to the increasing of all Indonesian people welfare. Owners and workers in a company need to be aware that labor demonstrations, although not forbidden, can influence operations and even cause loss to the business   Owners and workers should seek to avoid confrontational and destructive behavior because they are partners who should always work together closely in seeing that the duties in the company should go smoothly and be managed in the right direction. If owners and workers of a company can live in harmony in their working and share profits according to the ability of the company so that there is no greater gap between them, then actually, labor demonstrations need not occur.  Key words: organizational culture, labor demonstrations





