Good Governance Badan Amil Zakat, Infak , dan Sedekah Dan Dampaknya Terhadap Keputusan dan Loyalitas Muzaki


  • jumaizi unaki


This paper is to describe about Good Governance of BAZIS and it’s impact to BAZIS muzaki’s satisfaction and loylity. This paper is based on the research using descriptive analysis approach. The population of this research was BAZIS muzaki in Central Java, and the sample were taken by 150 muzaki in Central Java. The technique used to get data was questionet and in-dept interview. Partial Least Square (PLS) was analysis tool used. The result of this research shows that transparency, accountability, and advantage are important variables for good governance of BAZIS. Transparency, accountability, and advantage of BAZIS significantly influence to BAZIS muzaki’s satisfication and loyality. Besides the two of independent variables, the research also found one independent variable which has never been available in good governance theory before. It is the use of BAZIS. This finding was resulted from the interview of BAZIS muzaki and can be a reference for the next research.  Key words : good governance, transparency, accountability, advantage, satisfaction, and loyality.





