Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Akuntansi Pada Perusahaan Dagang Berbasis Objek


  • andy prasetyo utomo


Each transaction of the company must have done the accounting process to store all data transaction and find out the results of the transactions either in profit or loss, so do the company's trading activities dealing with merchandise purchasing and selling. The more the transactions are, the more complicated the accounting calculations perform and the more time they need to complete them. Based on these assumptions, it is necessary to carry out a computer application to resolve these accounting calculation problems in order to save time and cost. The main discussion of this paper is the design and manufacture of computer applications for accounting calculation in a trading company. In the process, it uses OOD (Object Oriented Design) and OMT (Object Modeling Technique) method. The purposes of this research are to design and develop a computerized accounting system especially for a trading company based on the accounting process analysis references, to design the system and database, and to implement that design into a computerized application.  Keywords : accounting application, company's trading, OOD





