Pemilihan Framework Untuk Manajemen Aplikasi (ASL VS ITIL)


  • andy prasetyo utomo


Information Technology (IT) Application in a company or organization as a groundwork in creating quality services and optimizing business processes is important. But, if the use of the application is not able to help the company to accomplish its business goals, it will not only result huge losses for the company in costing of either providing or  maintaining  but also reduce the benefit or may even cause harm to the company. Therefore, it needs management application that can perform management applications well and sufficiently. In the application management, there are two frameworks  that are commonly used. Those are ASL (Application Services Library) and ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library). Both of the frameworks offer several advantages and eases for the user. To determine the exact framework, it is necessary to determine the needs of the applications that will be developed.  Keywords: application management, application management framework, ASL, ITIL.





