IPS (Intrusion Prevention System) Untuk Mencegah Tindak Penyusupan / Intrusi


  • jutono gondohanindijo


In a complex computer network, data security and authentication process is a must. To ensure that the data is accessible, and the process by which the right to access the data, then the rules or protocols that have a good mechanism but it is very compact and easy to use needs to be applied on the network. IPS (Intrusion Prevention System) is a network security tools that monitor system or network activity from undesirable behavior (anomaly) and can react in real-time to stop these activities. IPS born is the development of IDS (Intrusion Detection System). In this study will be presented how to use IPS in preventing intrusion into our computer connected to the global network called the Internet in order to stay safe. Key words : IPS, System, Crime, Intrusion, Detection, Integrity, Security, Network





